【同义词辨析】 2019-02-07 友好amicable-friendly
amicable: implies a state of peace and a desire on the part of the parties not to quarrel: maintained ~ relations even after the divorce. 这个词一般都是指有矛盾时的友好,如本例婚后友好
neighborly: implies a disposition to live on good terms with others in necessary proximity and to be helpful and kindly on principle: prompted by ~ concern to inquire about her health. proximity(时间或空间)接近邻近,介词用in
friendly: stresses cordiality and often warmth or intimacy of personal relations: sought his ~ advice on this important matter. cordial诚挚来自词根CORD表示heart心,如a cordial atmosphere/meeting/relationship诚挚友好的气氛/会议/关系
amicable友好的和睦的: 表示维持和平不愿吵架,neighborly邻居的关爱的: 表示邻居间和睦相处,关心帮助,friendly友好的朋友的: 强调诚挚温暖亲密的关系
记忆方法:1)首字母FAN迷粉丝<==友好 movie/soccer/Pavarotti fans电影迷/足球迷/帕瓦罗蒂仰慕者
2)友好的意思是展现善意不敌对mean exhibiting goodwill and an absence of antagonism.